Mrs. Wanda Davenport
The world lost an angel to the heavens on July 27th, 2017.
Mrs. Davenport was the founder of Alpha Omega. Mrs. Davenport worked every day of her life to make a difference. She never gave up on anyone, and she always thought people deserved a second chance and sometimes maybe even a third chance. Mrs. Davenport always found a way to find the good in people. She was a loving wife, a friend like no other, and the best Mama anyone could have asked for.
In 2014 Mrs. Davenport was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of breast cancer. She fought for over three long years, never giving up or second-guessing the Lord. The entire time she was fighting for her life, she always continued to think of others. She was still concerned with how the school was going and asking what she could do to help.
I want to share something private between my Mama and I to show the world just how wonderful she was.
In the last few weeks of her life, she found a way to make a lasting impression in my life. I told my Mama I didn't know how I would be able to do things without her. She told me very simply with sadness in her voice: "You can do it, son, you just have to decide to." There is something about that sentence that made a lasting impression on me. Even in her weak state, she still found a way to be a wonderful Mama.
That moment between my Mama and I still resonates in my soul to this day. I will never forget her saying that to me as long as I live. I will fight for my Mama's dream and continue to push through these challenging times, looking ahead and trusting in the Lord. Because I know that's what my Mama would tell me to do.
Mama, you will be missed every single day until we meet again. I love you, I miss you, and I hope to live like you.
Written by: Jon Davenport